Friday, February 8, 2008

It’s Black & Blue Ribbon Time Again!

A & E Tidings, You Heard it in the Breeze, by Debbie Brady Robinson
( as published in the 'Tybee Breeze', Feb. 2008 issue

It’s Black & Blue Ribbon Time Again!
A few years ago, I wrote an article regarding the “friendly” nature of Tybee - more specifically, we islanders and the consequential spreading of those very “unfriendly” little germs that are so prevalent this time of year. Well, it’s dejavoux all over again! My husband, Mark, came down with a nasty cold, bug, influenza, virus (or whatever one might choose to call it) on January 1st 2008 - Happy New Year (yeah, rightL)! Echoing the very sympathetic voice of my right-hand extraordinaire, Ritajane, let me just say, Awe... I reiterate, in my most pathetic voice, Awe… my poor “Babe” has been sick - and now…, barely into the new year, so am I ! Awe…@#*&#%, crap!

There is no question about it; Tybee is just a friendly kind of place, embracing everyone, and every cause! Our tiny little 2 ¾ by ¾ of a mile island is essentially a neighborhood surrounded by water. To say that “Tybee takes care of its own”, is truly an understatement! Tybee, collectively comes to the aid of those in need. Recalling just a few recent cases in point: The Mike Hobb’s cancer benefit was a resounding success, for one! Great job Jack and Belinda Flanigan, Virginia Ward, all the folks at the Crab Shack ,and a multitude of other great folks who were equally involved! It sounds as though lots of great things are happening to help Hobbs!

For those who are here, and those who are gone - the American Legion stands ready, as solid and dependable as The Rock of Gibraltar. How many of us have experienced comfort and peace of mind from the gathering of friends and family at the American Legion, for a final farewell to a loved one. Words are not enough to express our gratitude and praise to Commander Gene Kindrick, and wife Wanda (aka: the Dynamic Duo), and all of our amazing friends who make up Tybee’s wonderful American Legion Post 154!

“It’s a Tybee Thing“, time and time again, Tybee is there for support in so many ways. Kudos to all the folks who came to the aid last year of two businesses victimized by fire; Hucapoos, and Café Loco. Supported by many, and spear-headed by Clair Price and Saturday Martini (aka: Sundi Marino) - ‘Hucapoos’ is back in business and going strong - serving up those bites and booze! Likewise, many came to the aid of Café Loco. Quick to organize were Christy Alan and Jenny Orr, Fannies on the Beach, and many, many, more who came together to help Joel and his crew - have you seen those new decks with the million dollar views? (‘Down front’, to the Backside of the island - Key West has nothing on us, ya’ll!) And in turn, most of the folks assisted have come to the aid of others. Tybee is famous for, to use a modern cliché, “paying it forward” in one form or fashion. In fact, Joel Solomon was just spotted cleaning up the road & brush from Hwy 80 all the way back to Café Loco, aiding the whole Maritime Community at Lazaretto Creek - Way to go, Joel!

There is always a gathering for cause or fun on our little island. It’s simply inevitable that we’re going to bump into friends nearly everywhere we go… but do we have to be quite so friendly, especially during the “flu season! All of those, oh so friendly, encounters predictably lead to the warm embrace! Growing up on Tybee a hug and a kiss was the natural form of greeting. No one ever thought a thing about a little peck on the cheek or even on the lips for that matter. Only on Tybee can I recall someone (other than my husband) greeting me with a kiss on the lips! Tybee has always been a world unto itself. Today, as in years past, many still greet one another with that little kiss, or at the very least - a warm embrace!

I’ve said it before, greeting a Tybee friend with a heart-felt embrace is an automatic and often irresistible response. Unfortunately, welcoming a friend with a great big bear hug (Lord forbid a kiss) only to quickly recoil after learning that they’ve been stricken with a nasty cold or flu bug, is too little too late! Faster than the speed of light, those little flu buggers hop right on and begin to infiltrate their way up your nostrils, making a mad dash through your entire immune system, finally settling themselves deeply into your soft snuggly lungs - nestling down for a long winters nap! The next thing you know you awaken to find yourself sniffling, sneezing, and (once again) resembling ‘Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer’ - (((Ah Choo))) !
Remember that little visual aid - the symbol, the virtual stop sign - the one that yours truly created a few years ago? (Judy O’Neil, do you still have yours? Does this ->L , ring any bells?) That little something to alert us - to halt us in our tracks before we hug that contagious friend. You Remember… that little ribbon to warn our friends when we‘re inflicted with that (((CONTAGIOUS BUG)))! We express ourselves by saying we feel black and blue all over when we’re sick. So, let’s all use a black and blue ribbon to alert others! “Black & Blue to Stop the Flu!” O.K, penicillin it‘s not, but it can‘t hurt! Come on, let’s all tie one on, “Black & Blue to Stop the Flu”! When you get that sneezy, caughy, achy feeling, just tie a black and blue ribbon around a Q-tip!
(((I’m Serious)))… pin that little bugger to your lapel, and wear it proudly! Remember, Tybee takes care of its own - so save a friend, wear Black & Blue to Stop the Flu!

"tie a little ribbon ‘round the old Q-tip..."(…uh, better make that a NEW Q-tip!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Debbie....So glad to see you are posting your articles online. It actually showed up in my "google alerts" for Tybee Blogs. See you soon! Amy :)